View and comment on planning applications

SODC no longer puts up notices on site for every planning application so we publish them on this website. You can use the link below to look up the application on-line and make your own comments direct to SODC. Please note that only larger extensions or changes and new buildings are included in this list. SODC continues to list all applications and amendments on its website.



Binfield Heath Stores, Arch Hill, Binfield Heath RG9 4DU

Variation or removal of conditions on application P23/S2237/FUL (Erection of two semi-detached dwellings in the rear garden of Binfield Heath Stores including new shared driveway and entrance gates, accessed via Arch Hill).

Variation or removal of conditions 2 (approved plans), 5 (external materials), 6 (obscure glazing), 10 (visibility splays), 11 (parking and turning areas), 14 (tree protection), 16 (LEMP) - to allow for changes to be made to the internal layout and external appearance of the approved semi-detached dwellings, together with amendments to the parking arrangements and hard and soft landscaping proposals.

Comments to SODC Planning by 9th January 2025.


Elm Tree Farm, Binfield Heath, RG9 4JY

Erection of an ancillary dwellinghouse to replace existing outbuilding with planning permission to be converted into an ancillary dwellinghouse. Comments to SODC by November 22.


New Inn House, Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DP

Single storey side and front extension, to include connection to existing garage and conversion of the latter in to habitable area. APPROVED.


The Forge, Arch Hill, Binfield Heath RG9 4ED

Conversion and change of use of the existing former garage building and associated annexe into a community hub. APPROVED


2 Holmwood Farmhouse Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DP

New oak framed 3 bay garage with a loft space above. Single storey extension to west side of house. APPROVED



Shiplake Rise Farm Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DP

Refurbishment of c20 porch. APPROVED



Woodwax Field Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DP

Stable building and use of land as equestrian. Works to improve access by centring it further east.



Land next to Oak House Cottage, The Track, Common Lane RG9 4JY

Variation of condition 2( Approved plans) on Application P20/S1991/FUL (Proposed new 4 bedroom residential dwelling, built within the garden of Oak house Cottage. New single-storey, single-car, oak-frame car port) - to support a revised scheme. (As amended by plans received 1 July 2024 to remove roof lantern from single storey extension to dwelling). APPROVED



Waylands Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DR

Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension. APPROVED



5 The Homestead Binfield Heath RG9 4LA

Demolition of existing garage, pool house/pool and erection of 2 two-storey front/side extensions (design revised to reduce openings on north elevation and to provide additional parking as shown on amended plans received 27 May 2024).    APPROVED


Fir Tree Cottage, Harpsden Road, Binfield Heath RG9 4JT

Extensions and alterations at rear of cottage, replacement garage and new carport in different location. This is a listed cottage. WITHDRAWN


Fir Tree Cottage, Harpsden Road, Binfield Heath RG9 4JT

Erection of extensions, replacement garage, new carport. This is a listed building.


Oak House Cottage, the Track, Binfield Heath RG9 4JY

Variation of condition 2 (previously approved plans) on application P20/S1991/FUL to allow for a revised scheme. Proposed new 4 bedroom residential dwelling, built within the garden of Oak House Cottage. New single storey, single car, oak frame car port (garage). Amendments and variations to approved plans on SODC website.


Elm Tree Farm Common Lane Binfield Heath Henley-on-Thames RG9 4JY

Conversion of stable to ancillary dwelling to main house. APPROVED.

Approved applications


Rosemary Cottage Shiplake Row Binfield Heath RG9 4DR. Comments to SODC by 21st September.

Change of use of land to residential garden and erection of a timber pre-fabricated single storey granny annexe for ancillary use to the main dwelling.


Bournes Farmhouse Harpsden Road Binfield Heath RG9 4JT

Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three detached dwellings with retained access from Harpsden Road; hard and soft landscaping; and other works.

Note: this site already has permission for demolition of the farmhouse to be replaced by two houses.


High Meadow Kiln Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4EJ

Replacement roof, two storey and single storey rear extension, fenestration and internal alterations, porch addition and replacement garage.


2 Acorn Cottages, Kiln Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4EE

Two-storey and single-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension.


Elm Tree Farm, Common Lane, Binfield Heath RG9 4JY

Proposed demolition of existing linked rear extension and 2 existing ancillary outbuildings and erection of replacement linked extension. Grade II Listed Building.


Elm Cottage Dunsden Way Binfield Heath RG9 4LE

Variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) in application P21/S2478/FUL to add home office detail and dormer roof features. Demolition of existing cottage and new replacement with two semi-detached villas.


1, The Homestead, Dunsden Way RG9 4LA

Formation of new access, carport, two-storey rear extension and internal/external alterations. Amended plans.


The Willows, Kiln Lane, Binfield Heath RG9 4EJ

Replacement application. Erection of a new detached house with garage accommodation. Some recent amendments.


9 Heathfield Avenue Binfield Heath RG9 4ED

Single storey rear and side extension.


8 Heathfield Avenue Binfield Heath RG9 4ED

Erection of single storey wrap-around rear extension with lantern rooflight and skylights


The Willows Kiln Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4EJ

Erection of a new detached house with garage in grounds of The Willows.


1 Heathfield Close Binfield Heath RG9 4DS

Two storey side and single storey rear extension.


Land next to Oak House Cottage, on the track leading to Box Cottage, off Common Lane, Binfield Heath RG9 4JY

Proposed new four-bedroom house, built within the garden of Oak House Cottage. Plus new single-storey oak frame car port.


10, Heathfield Avenue

Rear single storey extension to provide new kitchen/dining room, plus alterations. Comments by June 23 to SODC


Holmwood, Shiplake Row, Binfield Heath RG9 4DP

Proposed demolition of existing stables, and erection of replacement stable building with three stables, haybarn and tack room.


5 Spring Terrace Gravel Road Binfield Heath RG9 4LU

Erection of single storey detached timber framed building.


Land adjoining Elm Cottage, Dunsden Way, Binfield Heath. Maple House now under construction.

Erection of a detached three-floor 5-bedroom dwelling and detached double garage with room above. Amended plans approved.


Bournes Farmhouse, Harpsden Road, Binfield Heath RG9 4JT

Demolition of Bournes Farmhouse. Erection of two detached houses with shared access from Harpsden Road. An amended plan now shows on the website and comments are invited by January 27th.


Byeways Kiln Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4EH

Construction of a front and rear dormer window, roof window at the front and a side obscured glazed window.


Box Cottage Common Lane Binfield Heath RG9 4JY

Single storey side extension and new porch. Demolition of an existing single garage.


1 Sweet Briar Cottages Binfield Heath RG9 4LP

Demolition of summer house and erection of new house. Amended plans with slightly lowered roof allowed.


High Wall House (Land adj Walled Garden House) Binfield Heath RG9 4DP Under construction

Erection of single dwelling and creation of outdoor swimming pool and pool pavilion. Plans replace those for dwelling approved at appeal in 2016. Now under construction.