What’s On… The Flower Show and Village Society events

Binfield Heath Flower Show sparkles for 2024 Diamond Jubilee

Two local celebrities, Mary Berry and Jerry Hall, will be adding to the sparkle as Binfield Heath Flower Show celebrate its 75th anniversary on August 24th. Plans to celebrate the Jubilee include a diamond-themed cake competition as the centrepiece of the birthday celebrations, with a special judge and Champagne prize.

Mary Berry will open the event at the entrance to the marquee on the field opposite Holmwood, Shiplake Row, at 12.30pm. Jerry Hall will be giving out cups and prizes at the end of the show.

“We are incredibly honoured to have not one but two celebrities at this special anniversary show,” says Caroline Dowling, Flower Show committee chair. “We are very much looking forward to welcoming them both.”

Local people of every age are invited to put their horticultural, baking, artistic and creative skills to the test in this year’s RHS-linked flower and produce competition. Flowers and vegetables, home-baked cakes and preserves along with photographs, paintings and all sorts of handicrafts will be on display in the main marquee after the judging.

The famous Binfield Heath 'tea tent' will be living up to its reputation with homemade delights from people living locally. “This is a great opportunity to let us taste your favourite cake or pastry recipe so please do bring one along,” Caroline says. “Donations should be brought on the day, labelled to show their ingredients and whether they are gluten free.”

Lunch options include Orwells fried chicken and cheesecake, Indian street food from The Golden Ball, Jessecco Prosecco with pancakes, pizza and Prosecco, the BBQ with burgers and hotdogs, Fudgelicious fudge and samosas and Henley Gelato ice cream. The bar will be run this year by the committee with a choice of wine, beers and soft drinks.

While their parents browse the huge variety of local artisan stalls, younger visitors can enjoy the Basil and Crew animal farm, the Bubble Man, Ceramic Kiln café, splat-the-rat, hoopla, Harry the Shire Horse with braiding demonstrations as well as a treasure hunt on the field.

Traditional sideshows, games and contests, tombola and raffle will all be there. The vintage car display and observation beehive are welcomed back, along with tractor rides. British Legion, Wyfold Riding, Binfield Heath Chapel, Shiplake WI and Cystic Fibrosis will have their stalls too. And all of this can be enjoyed to a background of melody from Woodley Concert Band.

Caroline is keen to have as much help as possible for this anniversary event and is asking local people to lend a hand: “We need help setting up the show, running the car park and stalls and taking everything down again afterwards. Many hands make light, quick work!

“There are lots of jobs on offer and it is great fun being part of the team. Plus, we’ll make sure you have time to enjoy the show as well as volunteering. We couldn't do this without everyone's support.” 

The committee is also asking for raffle prizes such as an experience, a meal at a restaurant or a desirable gift, as well as items for the hoopla and tombola. Please take them before the show to the Red Barn, opposite Heathfield Close.

The Dog Show is a highlight of the day and its entry form is included in the main show schedule.

“All our wonderful local dogs should be signed up for this enjoyable contest,” adds Caroline.

This year, all entries will be online with the link found on the binfieldheath.org.uk website, but a copy of the schedule will also be available at the Binfield Heath Stores and the Corner Shop, Shiplake.  Anyone who needs help completing the form online can contact Caroline on 07776 811623 for support. Forms must be submitted by 7pm on Wednesday August 21st.

Competition entries should be placed in the show tent by 10:00 on the show day and cars removed promptly from the field, as more stalls than ever need to be set up in time for the midday opening.

Admission is by ticket on the day: adults £5; senior citizens and children 6-15 £3; children 5 and under free; family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) £15. There is free parking next to the showground. The show runs from 12pm to 4.30pm, followed by the prize-giving. Stay connected and get the latest updates on Instagram @binfield.heath.flower.show, on the Facebook page and visit binfieldheath.org.uk for all other information.

Highlights from last year’s Flower Show…

Village Society

Binfield Heath Village Society came into being in 2000. Its focus is purely social: everyone who lives in the parish is automatically a member and a committee of half a dozen people organises the events.

It encourages people who live here to come together, meet one another and just have fun. We raise money from larger events such as Village Day to spend within the village and to subsidise smaller ones like the carols singing evening. The group is sometimes able to make charitable donations to local causes or contribute towards village projects. The committee has also run safari suppers and pub quizzes.

Events are advertised on this website and on big boards outside the shop. Usually, when tickets are required for events they are held in the shop.

The summer Village Day on the recreation ground. Always a popular event, it brings together young and old, with teas, a bar, BBQ and stalls. Sometimes this has been combined with a big national event, such as the Coronation lunch and before that the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. Then there's a big village lunch in a marquee, usually supported by the Parish Council.

A week or so before Christmas the village gathers round the tree outside the shop for an hour for Carol Singing with a brass band. In the future this will be outside the Forge when works are completed.

The Village Society joins forces with the Flower Show committee to help out at the biggest annual village event - the Flower Show on August bank holiday Saturday. The teams run the tea tent and help clear up the field the following day. This event needs plenty of muscle for the best part of a week - everyone is invited to join in and help.

Some members of the committee are also on the Flower Show committee, the Playground Committee or the Parish Council, bringing the whole community together.

The committee welcomes new members but most importantly offers of help at the busiest times. And most of all, of course, people are encouraged to come to the events or suggest new ones, and support them.

Village Playground

The village playground behind the shop was gifted to the village by the Phillimore Estate in the 1950s. Before that, from the late 1800s it was part of the allotments on Sonning Common road.

It is held in trust by the Parish Council and councillors are responsible for maintaining it and ensure that the equipment is safe. It is checked by RSOPA annually. The grass is cut by contractors to the Parish Council and villagers help to maintain keep it tidy and litter free, subscribing to a weekly rota. They also check the play equipment and carry out simple repairs, clean the sand and weed the bark when required.

An outdoor table tennis table was donated by the Phillimore Estate - players are invited to bring their own bats and balls. Young footballers enjoy using the new posts, provided by the parish council.

If you have young children - or grandchildren - who enjoy using the park, why not contact Parish Council chairman, Paul Rollason and offer to help? The duties are not onerous and working sessions on the recreation ground are fun and sociable.

The playground is popular with children and their parents from miles around. Dogs are discouraged from entering the recreation ground and must not be allowed in the sand pit.